A downloadable toolkit

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JTools is a unity script toolkit I've been working on every so often. I reasoned I'd release it to the public and let you folks have a spin with it.

The code has been commented, and features tooltips to help make things more clear. If you're not sure about something, just crack the code open and look at the comments. They're pretty good at explaining how things should work.


JMath - A mathematics library containing several helpful curve generators, centered perlin noise, conversions between linear and decibel volume, random vector generators and a spring dynamics system. It also now features conventional bezier curve generation if you need some more complex curves.

This tool is completely free for use in non-commercial or commercial works. Just don't try to resell it. If you do that I'll come knocking at your door with a pipe.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
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AuthorFeverdream Johnny
TagsEffects, scripting, text-engine, Unity


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JTools.unitypackage 3.7 kB

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